The APP for your Body!


Improve your body measurements!

Whether biceps, thighs, chest, abdominal girth or shoulder - aktiBody is perfectly suited to capture, evaluate and improve the dimensions of your body regions.

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Optimize your body and look better  

With aktiBody you can easily log the extent of your biceps, your chest and all other parts of the body and evaluate the successes. You can also always keep an eye on the muscle content of your body. With aktiBody you can see how the trained dimensions of your body develop. 


Lose weight and become more attractive

aktiBody allows you to track your weight and enables you to keep an eye on fat, muscles and water of your body. The best thing is that you can measure, enter and evaluate the sizes of your body regions - like neck circumference, chest circumference, thigh circumference.

With aktiBody you can see how the pounds tumble and the diameters of your body regions get smaller. 


  • Control of your body measurements
  • Weight log
  • Protocol water, muscles, fat
  • Statistical evaluation
  • Share your success
  • Regular updates
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